Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Adios Minnesota. It's been real.

Today was my last shift on my floor at St. Mary's followed by the Summer III Farewell Dinner with all of the interns and their clinical coaches. And now I'm at my townhouse wired from late night packing and cleaning ((and four cups of coffee may have contributed to this as well... oopsies)) before I catch my shuttle at 3am.
I have quite literally slept for 9 hours in the last four nights combined... how I am not flat on my face drooling into the carpet, I have no idea. There's just too much last minute Mayo goodness to soak in! I miss it here already.

At the farewell dinner tonight, one of the Summer III coordinators encouraged us with the quote, 
"You are exactly where you are supposed to be." 
Where I am "supposed" to be has been the question of my summer, and it took me a while to realize that at this point, CA or MN are not answers to that question. Right now I'm in a place of indecisiveness, excitement, and opportunity, and THAT is exactly where I am supposed to be. Even though I so badly want to make a post grad plan and stick to it, I'm excited for how God will grow me through this season of uncertainty. 
In seven short hours, I will be back in CA. Back to no-humidity, real beaches, legit mexican food, and lots of traffic.

Thank you, Mayo Clinic, for an unforgettable summer.

Flashback to our first day of orientation. Feels like yesterday!

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog while looking for pictures of the Foundation House. I work at Mayo Clinic and live in Pine Island (I'm guessing that's where you had your first deep-fried cheese curd). It looks like you had a great experience at Mayo. I hope you enjoyed your summer in MN!
