Friday, June 1, 2012

I don't think we're in Southern California anymore, Toto...

Last day in SoCal...
...First day in MN

After a morning of plane changes and free airline peanuts, I have arrived in Minnesota! I'm staying with a friend from Biola and her family for a few days before moving into Crossroads College (where most of the Mayo interns will stay). Minnesota is absolutely gorgeous; I now understand what midwesterners mean when they say California doesn't have enough trees :)

Spending time with Mackenzie and her family has been such a good transition to Minnesota. She has taken me around their city and the surrounding areas and I've seen roughly 29357329 lakes and 29357328 bugs; Not so sure how I feel about the latter... :)

I move into my townhouse at Crossroads on Saturday which I will be sharing with five other interns. The townhouse is located about two miles from the hospital where I will be working all summer, and I will commute via my complimentary bus pass! Calm your envy. (I think I can count on one hand the number of times that I have successfully read a bus schedule- wish me luck :) ) 

1 comment:

  1. NorCal has lots and lots of trees, but you'll have to trust me on that one! I'm laughing right now because I thought Minnesota was gorgeous and I had never used a public bus in my life let alone attempted reading a bus schedule. You'll get the hang of it, though, because you're a smart cookie!
